misadventures in jewellery making & everything else in between


24 Nov 2019 -

Though I know in my heart that life is fleeting, I always thought transience would look me in the eyes on days when most people would expect it – a death in the family, an illness; perhaps even when there is cause for celebration. I have never been gravely ill, although when my father passed away in the beginning of winter eight years ago I spent a few years trying to survive the inevitable grief. I was too busy flailing my arms and legs in a deluge of tears to even ponder upon my own mortality.

Surprisingly, it is in between the mundane moments of everyday life wherein I feel most vulnerable. Life plays out in slow motion – slow enough to appreciate the way my fingers intertwine with that of a loved one on a frosty evening, but not enough to capture the moment in its entirety.

They all become yesterday’s memories, and in a few decades they will be no more than glimpses of the past. Other versions may live through others, but they, too, will pass.

As seasons do.