misadventures in jewellery making & everything else in between


22 Nov 2019 -

I read somewhere that an inch of movement is better than a mile of intention—a powerful line which was instrumental in prompting me to finally carve out a presence, however small and ambivalent, in the world of blogs.

In between procrastination and getting caught up in a paralysing flurry of ideas and mixed feelings, a reminder came from the back of my mind in the form of a quote by Andrew Juniper in his book entitled Wabi-Sabi: The Japanese Art of Impermanence: “Anything that’s absolutely perfect is absolutely dead.”

Indeed. The essence of this blog lies in celebrating—as opposed to omitting—the process, of baring the imperfections. Rather than engaging oneself in hypothetical situations and mulling over things that will only unfold with time, it seems more logical to simply start doing and keep the momentum going.